Portraits of Woman and Man with Makeup

Queerplatonic Relationships in Books: A Closer Look

Welcome to a profound exploration of the world of literature and the role of queerplatonic relationships within its diverse narratives. In recent years, the significance of queerplatonic relationships has risen to the forefront, creating a richer tapestry of experiences in novels. Let’s embark on a journey to understand, appreciate, and celebrate the importance of queerplatonic relationships in literature.

Understanding Queerplatonic Relationships

Queerplatonic relationships, often underrepresented or misunderstood, are essential connections that exist beyond the boundaries of romance and sexual intimacy. These relationships hold unique relevance in the lives of individuals who identify as queer, offering a deep, non-romantic, and non-sexual connection. This profound bond is founded on commitment, akin to the connection between close friends, yet distinct in its distinct significance.

The Importance of Queerplatonic Relationships in Literature

Queerplatonic relationships in literature offer a fresh perspective, enriching narratives with depth and diversity. These relationships provide a platform for authors to delve into the complexities of non-romantic and non-sexual bonds. 

It allows readers to explore the world of emotions, devotion, and support that extends beyond the conventional realms of love. The inclusion of queerplatonic relationships opens doors to a broader understanding of human connections, transcending the boundaries of traditional romance.

Queerplatonic Relationships in Novels: A Game-Changer

Literature has witnessed a transformation as more authors integrate queerplatonic relationships into their works. While romance has long been a central theme in novels, the emergence of queerplatonic relationships brings refreshing narratives to the forefront. These relationships can involve deep emotional connections, intertwined lives, and intricate bonds that challenge conventional storytelling.

Rosiee Thor’s Fire Becomes Her: A Spotlight on Queerplatonic Relationships

Rosiee Thor’s novel, “Fire Becomes Her,” shines a spotlight on the significance of queerplatonic relationships in literature. Within this novel, readers encounter the journey of Ingrid, a character navigating the complexities of self-discovery and relationships. Ingrid’s story reflects a genuine portrayal of queerplatonic connections, emphasizing the importance of understanding one’s unique experiences.

Overcoming Misconceptions About Queerplatonic Relationships

Misconceptions often surround queerplatonic relationships, stemming from a lack of awareness about aromantic and asexual spectrum identities. It’s essential to recognize that these relationships are distinct from traditional friendships. Queerplatonic bonds require effort, commitment, and an understanding of the connection’s significance. These relationships are not merely friendships but hold a deeper sense of devotion.

Publisher Perspectives on Queerplatonic Relationships in Fiction

The acceptance and integration of queerplatonic relationships in literature can vary among publishers. While some embrace these narratives, others may exhibit resistance due to certain traditional biases. 

It’s crucial to acknowledge the contributions of editors who advocate for diverse storytelling and challenge the idea that romance is the sole driver of narrative interest. With an expanding readership for diverse narratives, the inclusion of queerplatonic relationships continues to evolve.

Favorite Queerplatonic Relationships in Literature

Claire Kann’s “If It Makes You Happy” and Claudie Arseneault’s “Isandor, City of Spires” series are shining examples of literature that embraces and portrays queerplatonic relationships with authenticity. These narratives provide a platform for readers to explore and celebrate the complexities of such relationships.

The Value of Queerplatonic Relationships in Novels

The presence of queerplatonic relationships in novels holds immense value for readers. It validates diverse experiences and helps individuals understand and embrace their unique ways of loving. These narratives encourage self-acceptance and highlight the validity of different forms of love.

Recommended Books with Queerplatonic Relationships

For those eager to explore novels centered around queerplatonic relationships, we recommend “The Reckless Kind” by Carly Heath and the anthology “Common Bonds,” featuring short stories by aromantic spectrum authors. These books offer engaging narratives that delve into the intricacies of queerplatonic bonds.


Queerplatonic relationships in literature have become a catalyst for expanding the horizons of storytelling. They enrich narratives, challenge misconceptions, and validate diverse experiences. The importance of recognizing and embracing these relationships extends beyond the pages of a book—it is a celebration of authentic human connections, irrespective of the boundaries of romance. 

As literature continues to evolve, so too does the narrative of love, transcending traditional norms and embracing the complexities of queerplatonic relationships.