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Hansen House Publishing: Diverse Narratives

 In the world of literature, diversity is not merely a buzzword but a promise of inclusivity. Independent publishers play a crucial role in making this promise a reality. Hansen House Publishing stands at the forefront of this movement, specializing in LGBTQIA+ stories. 

Founded by Elizabeth Jeannel, this indie publisher is dedicated to amplifying the voices of LGBTQIA+ authors and providing a home for their unique narratives. Let’s delve into the world of independent publishing, Hansen House’s mission, and the vibrant stories that grace its catalog.

Hansen House Publishing: Elevating LGBTQIA+ Stories

Hansen House Publishing is not just an independent publisher; it’s a sanctuary for queer stories. With a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity, Hansen House carves a space where LGBTQIA+ authors can share their narratives with the world. 

While mainstream publishing often falls short in representing these voices, independent publishers like Hansen House are pioneering the way forward. They embrace the beauty of niche publishing, catering to specific genres and underrepresented communities.

Select Hansen House Titles

Before we dive into the world of independent publishing and LGBTQIA+ narratives, let’s take a peek at some of the captivating titles that have found a home at Hansen House. These stories, pulsating with life, provide a glimpse into the rich tapestry of LGBTQIA+ literature:

  • “Not Your Type” by Elizabeth Jeannel: This tale introduces us to Ava and Parker, who cross paths in an LGBT therapy group. Their journey weaves themes of asexuality, trauma, healing, bisexuality, and the challenges of coming of age;
  • “Traitors of the Black Crown” by Cate Pearce: A narrative that unfolds in the realms of science fiction and fantasy, this story follows Raena and Dutchess Aven Colby as they navigate love and political intrigue, facing the wrath of a reigning queen. Expect queer romance, historical fantasy, and strong female leads.

These titles are just a glimpse of the diverse stories that grace the catalog of Hansen House. For a more comprehensive look, explore their website and unlock the treasures within.

Interview with Elizabeth Jeannel

To shed light on the world of independent publishing and the vision behind Hansen House Publishing, we sat down with Elizabeth Jeannel, the founder, and owner. Here are some insights from our conversation.

Understanding Independent Publishing

Elizabeth Jeannel explains that independent publishers, often referred to as small presses, operate with a focus on a limited number of titles or annual earnings. Their strength lies in their niche approach, specializing in particular genres or themes. Independent publishers offer authors a personalized publishing experience, combining creative freedom with professional quality.

Independent Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

Elizabeth Jeannel draws a clear distinction between independent publishing and self-publishing. While self-publishing involves authors managing all aspects of their books, independent publishing encompasses a broader spectrum, including small presses and hybrid publishers. Independent publishers provide authors with valuable support and services while maintaining flexibility.

The Role of Hybrid Publishers

Hybrid publishing bridges the gap between traditional and self-publishing. Independent publishers, including hybrids, manage editing, design, marketing, and distribution. Unlike vanity presses, legitimate hybrid publishers adhere to industry standards, vet titles, and ensure higher royalties for authors.

Costs of Using an Independent Publisher

An important point emphasized by Elizabeth Jeannel is that independent publishers should not charge authors for their services. Independent publishers pay authors, often offering competitive royalties. The specific terms may vary, so authors need to research and align with publishers that match their needs.

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Empowering Authors: Benefits of Independent Publishers

Publishing with an independent publisher offers a range of benefits. Authors can enjoy prestige, creative freedom, and higher royalties. Independent publishers provide personalized attention, ensuring that authors have a say in the design process and other critical aspects. 

They blend the best of self-publishing and traditional publishing, creating a supportive environment for authors.

Independent Publishers and the Drive for Diversity

Independent publishers play a pivotal role in promoting diversity. In contrast to traditional publishing, where diversity can be lacking, independent publishers embrace inclusivity. Their flexibility allows them to amplify voices that may have been overlooked, making publishing a more diverse and representative space.

The Significance of LGBTQIA+ Publishers

Elizabeth Jeannel underscores the significance of LGBTQIA+ publishers like Hansen House. Mainstream publishing has historically offered limited representation for LGBTQIA+ characters and narratives. 

Hansen House is committed to filling this void by exclusively focusing on LGBTQIA+ titles. By doing so, they provide a platform for LGBTQIA+ youth and adults to connect with stories that reflect their experiences and identities.

About the Founder

Elizabeth Jeannel, the founder of Hansen House Publishing, is a multi-talented entrepreneur and author. Raised in Southwest Missouri, her passion for reading and writing blossomed early in life. 

She transformed her love for books into a lifelong commitment to sharing LGBTQIA+ stories and supporting authors. Elizabeth’s “mom friend” approach infuses her business, fostering a sense of family among her authors.


Hansen House Publishing is not just an independent publisher; it’s a vibrant community of LGBTQIA+ authors and readers. In a world where diversity and inclusivity are essential, independent publishers like Hansen House are shining beacons. 

Their commitment to providing LGBTQIA+ authors with a platform for their narratives is a testament to the power of independent publishing. The literary landscape is richer because of publishers like Hansen House, where voices are heard, stories are celebrated, and diversity is cherished.